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Smyth Fires Council staff in "Political Hit" against Brooke Lupinacci

By Leader Staff


Huntington Town Supervisor Ed Smyth (R-Halesite) engineered a mass firing of all eight staff members to the Town Council, as a "political hit" against Councilwoman Brooke Lupinacci (R-Lloyd Harbor), after Lupinacci referred multiple allegations of criminal and ethical misconduct in Town Hall to the FBI and state law enforcement.


The firing was made in a Town Board vote last Tuesday, February 11th, with the firings effective this Friday, February 21st.


According to Town Hall sources, Smyth's "plan" was to fire Lupinacci's staff, and then re-hire the other six staffers fired - the staffers to Council members Sal Ferro; Dave Bennardo, and Theresa Mari - to new positions being created - at higher salaries - to run a "Town Call Center."


"Last evening, Supervisor Smyth, and Council members Ferro, Bennardo and Mari, voted to fire all of my office staff members under the guise of an "administrative reorganization," stated Lupinacci. "This is an illegal act of using government resources for political retaliation for my referral to law enforcement to investigate alleged criminal activity in connection with this Town Board's governing actions and for having questioned conflicts and corruption behind development projects."

Particularly targeted by Smyth was Lupinacci's Chief of Staff, Joanne Caruso, who previously served as Chief of Staff for former Huntington Councilman Gene Cook (R-Commack). Caruso's years of experience and knowledge of Town Hall made her a particular target for Smyth, with prior efforts to fire Caruso.


Smyth claimed that the mass firings of the Council aides was merely an "administrative reorganization," with Smyth creating eight new positions - all civil service and at higher salaries  - to run a "Town Call Center" which would be under the direct control of Smyth.


"Instead of having council staff do the bidding of one elected official...," stated Smyth, "they can all work collaboratively."


Stripping Lupinacci of all her staff - and firing all eight staffers to the Town Council - has been described as a "Tuesday Night Massacre," by Town Board sources, and an unprecedented act of "illegal political vengeance" using taxpayer money.


"Make no mistake: I will not back down or be intimidated by their actions," stated Lupinacci.

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