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Santos "Raises" $150K - Then Pockets Most of It

By Niall Fitzgerald

The latest US Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings from fraudster Congressman George Santos claim that over the past six months he raised only some $150,000 - but then pocketed $85,000 of that for himself personally.

Santos FEC filings should be taken with skepticism. He filed hundreds of fake entries in his 2022 FEC reports - with over a million dollars in fake receipts and disbursements being reported - and later disappearing.

According to Santos' latest FEC Report - filed last week - Santos now claims that from January to July 2023, he raised $133,000 for his campaign re-election committee, and some $16,000 for an affiliated PAC, the Devolder-Santos Victory PAC.

Then, according to Santos, on May 30, 2023, he paid himself $85,000 from those receipts, taking the money for himself personally.

Santos claims he was "paying himself back" for "personal loans" he claims to have made to his campaign in 2022.

Except he filed in March and April, 2022 that he "loaned" himself $580,000 - and all of that was later declared to be fake.

Non-existent. A fake entry of fake money which Santos then used to boast and try to cajole money out of wealthy north shore residents - falsely claiming he was a "rich man" and that he was "all-in" on his campaign.

Only four (4) of the alleged new donations came from inside New York's Third congressional district. Of the others, most were from distant places like California - in the exact maximum donation of $3300 - with the donors' occupations being listed as "Student," "Housewife" and "Part-Time Job/Cashier."

Historically, people who are "Students" or "Housewives" or "Part time Cashiers" do not make maximum political donations of $3,300 to out-of-state federal candidates under criminal indictment.

Santos was indicted in May before the federal Courts on 13 felony counts of fraud and stealing. He faces over 20 years in prison on the existing criminal charges.

Santos also faces potentially hundreds of additional criminal charges, for campaign finance fraud, identity theft, credit card and ATM fraud, charities fraud, stealing, and check fraud. In April, Santos plead "Guilty" to check fraud and elder fraud in Brazil.

The North Shore Leader newspaper was the first newspaper to break the Santos' fraud stories - before the 2022 election - identifying his elaborate finance frauds and lies, and declaring him to be a "Fraud" and a "Fabulist."


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