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Huntington Christmas Tree Lighting Draws 15,000

By Thomas Nothel

The lighting of Huntington’s Christmas Tree on Wall Street – dubbed the “Holiday Spectacular” - returned to Huntington Village for the third year in a row, with crowds of over 15,000 attending.

The festivities kicked off on Saturday November 26th with a Christmas Parade at 5pm, followed by the lighting of the 65 foot tree located on Wall Street. 15,000 people jammed Huntington Village enthusiastically enjoying opening day festivities, exploring a festively decorated Huntington Village and patronizing the local businesses. The Holiday Spectacular will continue on Wall Street until January 6th.

The Town originally announced the event would not take place in downtown Huntington this year due to a lack of financial resources and some logistical issues.

Then, after a flurry of renewed effort by Huntington Supervisor Ed Smyth, the downtown Business Improvement District, and a contribution from Northwell Health that provided the additional funding, the event returned to its the Huntington Village location.

With the assistance of Huntington Highway Superintendent Andre Sorrentino the logistical issues were also resolved.

The Holiday Spectacular runs daily from 5:30 pm until 11:00 pm through January 6, 2023.

The events include a light show every thirty minutes, live music, Santa visits and much more.

There is a Winter Wonderland for visitors to explore. Local businesses are participating with special deals to promote the holiday season.

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