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Oyster Bay Harbor Clean-Up

The Town of Oyster Bay joined forces with the North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association (NOBBA) and the Friends of the Bay to host the Town’s annual Oyster Bay Harbor & Beach Cleanup even, which took place on Saturday, April 13th. Rain and wind did not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of those who volunteered to pick up trash around the area.

On Friday evening, the Town sent out a press release hinting about a surprise guest. Volunteers who did brave the bad weather were rewarded as musician and Centre Islander Billy Joel joined with local politicians, NOBBA members and environmentalists. Those that stayed to help with the clean-up were rewarded by better weather and a NOBBA-sponsored BBQ.

This important environmental initiative features Town employees and volunteers rolling up their sleeves and working side by side to clean-up the beaches and shoreline areas along Oyster Bay Harbor.

Each year, countless amounts of paper, food, plastics and other trash are discarded on beaches or dumped overboard from recreational and commercial vessels. Allowing this litter to remain on our shorelines will only lead to increasingly worse damage for the environment.

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